
Hey! I'm Marlyssa. I'm a sunshine loving Southern California girl since birth, wife to my best friend Jason since August 16th 2013, and currently living out in the country of Northern Minnesota.
We can see Canada from our house.

You're probably wondering how I got here.

Growing up, life revolved around the sunshine, swimming pools, and riding the waves of the ocean.
My favorite things growing up were camping, building things with big power tools, and going to classic car shows with my dad.

Fast forward until I was partway through college and met a really great guy from Canada. We stayed friends for two years and started courting less than a year before we got married! There is no one who has been able to understand me and my struggles more and be there for me like he has. God has truly blessed me with this man.

Our plan had been to stay in California near where I grew up so I could stay close to my family, but we soon realized it was like fighting an upward battle since nothing was working out. Meanwhile, Jason was getting job offers left and right from people in his hometown in Canada. I was reluctant at first. I was reluctant some more. But it wasn't long before I realized that this was God nudging us in a different direction than we originally planned.

I called Jason who was back home in Canada for a short trip at the time and told him we should start looking at houses in Canada. After an hour of looking at houses online together over the phone and not finding anything that seemed all that great, I asked,

"What about Minnesota?"

I started looking at houses in the small international border-town that we had passed through during Christmas the year before when I went up to meet his family for the first time.
Within five minutes,

"You have to see this house! It's perfect!"

The rest is history. Buying the house all fell in to place within a matter of a few weeks.
Nothing about it was a struggle like trying to stay in California had been.
It was God's leading that got us here.

And now here I am. 

Writing helps me see life from new angles.
I find myself more grateful at the end of the day when I write.
I find myself laughing at myself for getting upset over something that is often just so small and insignificant in the big scheme of things.
It helps me feel connected, especially being so far from home and all that I am used to, and when everything here is still so new.

I am a DIY fanatic, I love crafting, sewing, and building things.
I love the outdoors and I love adventure.
I guess you could say being a housewife in the country is right up my alley.

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